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Art Journal Challenge #PLANTOPAINT Featuring Royal Brush

Art Journal Challenge #PLANTOPAINT Featuring Royal Brush

Oh sweet pals, its been so long, I know! But I promise today you are in for a BIG and COLORFUL post. I have been meaning to post my new Art Journal Challenge for 2017 for so some time now, but I am just now getting around to it. You see, if you do recall- I am VERY close to getting married! AHH! April 14th will be here before you know it! But really, I need everything done much before then. As Chris and I are getting married in Iceland and leaving 10 days before the wedding.

At this point, we have all the major things planned but still have a lot of little things to take care of. AND you know- money, its stressful. BUT thats why we have art therapy right?! To take our minds and worries away, at least for a bit! And that is exactly what I have to share with you today, my favorite, recent Art Journal pages. As well as some of my "plans" for 2017 (yes, I realize we're two months in, don't judge!)

As I sat down at the end of 2016 to start thinking about goals for 2017 I honestly wasn't thinking about or dreaming up any huge projects. I just kept thinking, 'go back to your roots'. I don't want this post to turn into a goal setting post, because I am not setting too many (or really any) goals yet, other than just one and that is to get back to my painting roots!

I miss it! I don't know what it was or what has been going on with me but I kinda hit a funk in the painting department. And lets be real, just in the creative department in general. So in 2017, to keep it simple and not overwhelm myself with too many goals at once, I am just focusing on getting back into the habit of painting nearly everyday.

I do not plan on creating a monthly or daily calendar (sorry! Trying to keep it really simple). But I will be sharing my art here and periodically on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #PlantoPaint and I'm inviting all to join in and share their paintings as well! and Don't worry, I will still be using my #iliketoARTYhard hashtag- it has over 4000 pictures shared in it now!!! I can not believe. So amazing!!! Keep on sharing!

Since I won't be posting a monthly calendar of prompts, I do plan on doing more blog post on here to help inspire and teach you how to give yourself prompts when your not feelin' it. And clearly we all struggle, as you see my confession above, but largely my funk has to do with laziness and lack of effort. Yup. Sad, but true!

Any-who, we're fixing my laziness with the #PlantoPaint art journal challenge, and I truly encourage you to join in. The hardest part is getting started and getting the momentum going. Kind of like exercising. But once you start, it will become the best part of your day and you can't wait to get to it!

Below are some of my favorite art journal pages from the past couple months. I plan on turning some of these into prints to sell in StudiOH, Shoppe! And if you keep scrolling I share with you some of the art supplies I have been using to create these beautiful pages!

I made my own bouquet of silk flowers to take to the wedding and this is a loose interpretation of it.
On the left are some blooming flowers and on the right is a purple onion.
"I am Iron, a little rusted perhaps- But still I endure." Ode to Elizabeth Warren, Thank you!!! Watercolor sketch of what I painted on the back of my leather jacket for the wedding. #ForeveraBurden is our wedding hashtag. hehe. I LOVE this funky eyeball pattern. This is a portrait I painted from a book called 'Frida Kahlo: Her Photos' that I picked up at the Dali Museum during their Frida Kahlo exhibit back in December.

Art Journal Art Supplies :

So lately I have really been using my watercolors paints again. And I mean, a lot! But more so in a mixed media way, I guess. As I am still adding on layers with acrylics too. A few months back I received a package of goodies from Royal Brush and I have been using them non-stop. Below you can see the travel watercolor pallet I got to set up my Royal Brush watercolor paints in, as I fully plan on taking these along with me to Iceland + France.

I really LOVE how vibrant + fun their colors are. And I know this sounds silly. But for the longest time I really didn't like tube watercolor paints. And well, I don't know what I was thinking! I would only use the pallet sets, except for that one college professor who MADE us use the tube paints. But after her class, I went back to my old ways. BUT if you've only stuck with the watercolor pallet sets, I encourage you to branch out and get some tube paints. They will take a little bit of getting used to but you will love them once you do.

I know I mentioned it before, but I am a brand ambassador for Royal Brush currently, and get to try out their products for free and post about them here! It has been such a neat experience getting this opportunity and of course I LOVE art supplies. I shared it on my Instagram and other social channels, but if you missed it, here is an interview Royal Brush did with me just a little bit back that was shared on their website. You can read it, here. It is all about finding inspiration, which goes perfect with this post!

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